Latest Past Events

Holistic Hashimoto’s Group

Wellness Minneapolis - Virtual

Tuesdays; ​April 20th, May 4th and 18th, June 1st, 15th and 29th   6-7:30 PM $350 This group leads you through naturopathic treatments for Hashimoto's. This group is a good fit whether you are new to naturopathic medicine or if you are already working with a provider. Each 90 minute class is packed with information. Working with Dr. Barrett is a […]


Support Series for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

Wellness Minneapolis - Virtual

Thursdays; April 15th, May 6th, June 3rd, July 1st and August 5th      6:30-8:30PM   $275 This series is created from a heartfelt space and with love for those of us that identify with being highly sensitive and/or an empath. Your time with Lynn Salmon-Easter during this series is intended to empower, enlighten and affirm. When we […]


Functional Nutrition for Anxiety and Attention

Wellness Minneapolis - Virtual

What - and how - you eat will impact much more than just your physical body. The food you choose and your mood are more connected than you may think! Anxiety, depression, memory, stress, and attention are all influenced by what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner (and anything in between). Understanding the interactions between […]

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