In today's world many people are experiencing feelings of stress, restlessnesss and lack of purpose. We are looking outside ourselves hoping to find the ultimate fulfillment whereas throughout the ages yogis and saints have been telling us that the only place to find happiness is within ourselves. Yoga & Meditation are the way to gradually go within and learn how to connect to the essence of our being. Only then can we experience what we are seeking: Inner Peace, Happiness, Joy & Fulfillment. Yoga is for everyBody and works on all levels- it brings Strength and Health for your Body, Calmness and Peace for your Mind and the Experience of your True Essence as the Soul. Come & Discover the Magic of Yoga and Experience what it can do for you!
Categories: Health & Wellness, Health & Wellness - Exercise Fitness & Sports
4501 Bryant Ave S
Minneapolis MN, 55419
4501 Bryant Ave S
Minneapolis MN, 55419
Phone: 760-880-3100
Neighborhood: East Harriet
Node: 46th & Bryant