Southwest Minneapolis Businesses
This is a list of businesses located in Southwest Minneapolis
- 1 800 Mulch Pro
- 10th Floor Apartment Brokers
- 180 Degrees
- 2110 First Ave Llc
- 24 Hour Care
- 3 Bears Chiropractic
- 3232 Design
- 36 Lyn refuel station
- 37th St Garage
- 44th Street Dental
- 46th & Nicollet BP
- 50 & France Assn
- 50th & France Chiropractic
- 50th & France Dental Care
- 50th & France Optical
- 50th and France Dental Care
- 50th Street Cafe
- 554 Design
- 58th Street Service
- 708-710 40th St W
- A & M Accounting
- A Family Journey
- A Fresh Look, Inc. Professional Painting
- A Fruit Design
- A Jazz Trio
- A Little Bird on Grand
- A Little Bird on Grand
- A New Star Taxi
- A OK Equipment
- A Plus Auto Repair
- A Pretty Posy .co
- A Rare Bird
- A Richard Ballin DDS
- A Slice of New York
- A to Z Gas Stop
- A-1 Affordable Locksmith
- A-1 Ceiling Specialists
- Aafiya Home Care
- Aalim School of Middle Eastern Dance, LLC
- Aaran Financial Services Inc
- Abbott Insurance Agency
- ABC Wire Sales Co
- AC Bogen
- Accountable Cleaning LLC
- Accupainters
- Ace Concrete Stone & Brick Paving
- Ace Driving School
- Ackerberg Group
- Acme Machine Co
- Action Marketing Research Inc
- Acumen Appraisels LLC
- Acupuncture Association of Mn
- Ad Lib
- Adagio Holistic Therapies LLC
- Adagio Holistic Therapies, LLC
- Adagio Hollstic Therapies
- ADT Dental
- Advanced Custom Exteriors
- Advanced Deck & Roof Cleaning
- Advanced Visions
- Advantage Auto Glass
- AE Conrad Co
- Aegis Therapies
- Aer World Tours
- Aeskleplon
- African American Registry
- African Chamber of Commerce
- African Market
- Afternoon Records
- Agan Traders
- Aggregate Industries
- Agitate &Tumble
- Agra Culture Kitchen & Press
- Ainu Shams Sunray Restaurant
- Ainushams Halal Foods
- Aisle Advertising
- Akwaaba Restaurant
- Al Hussein Perfumes & Beauty
- Al Theisen Renovations
- Al-Anon
- Alamin Travel
- Alamo Driving School
- Alaris Group Inc
- Alberg Financial Services
- Albertsson Hansen Architecture
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Aldrich Boarding Care Home
- Alecia Stevens Interiors
- Aleph Pre School
- Alfa 24 Hour Locksmith
- Alignor
- All Energy Solar Inc
- All Hours Sewer Drain Service
- All J's Tire Ctr Inc
- All Service Lawn & Landscape, Inc.
- Allenson Family Law PA
- Allenson Law Office
- Alleyway Arts
- Alliance Housing Inc
- Alliance of the Streets
- Allied Electrical & Industrial Supply Company Inc
- Allina Health- John C Lillehei MD
- Allina Hospitals & Clinics
- ALMCO Hydraulics
- Alpha Auto Body And Mechanic
- Always Nails
- AM Food Market
- Amaana Money Transfer Co
- Amal Money Wire
- Amazing Thailand
- America's Greener Home
- American Apparel
- American Dream Antiques
- American Family Insurance
- American Vintage-M Ferster
- American West Inc
- Amigas Realty
- Amigo Service Center Inc
- Amore Uptown
- Amundson Uptown Auto
- Anderson Cleaners
- Anderson Dentalcare
- Andrea's Vintage Bridal
- Andrew Carson - Voice Over
- Andrew J Lucking
- Angela Groebner Massgae Therapist
- Angelic Beauty LLC
- Anilor Learning Systems Inc
- Animal Rights Coalition
- Animal Rights Coalition d/b/a Ethique Nouveau
- Anita Doyle Pa
- Anita Motolinia Mediation
- Ann Taylor Loft
- Anna Go, LLC
- Anne Gearity
- Annie Marie Photography
- Annunciation Catholic School
- Annunciation Church
- Anthony's Furniture Restoration
- Anthropologie
- Anytime Fitness Lyndale
- Anytime Fitness Minneapolis
- Apho Eat in & Take Out
- Apotheca Inc
- Apoy
- Appraisal One
- Aqua City Irrigation & Lighting
- Aqua City Motel
- Aqua City Plumbing & Heating
- Aqua City Plumbing & Irrigation
- Aquascapes
- Aquatica Water Gardens
- Arbor Commercial Group, LLC
- Arby's
- Arcstone Technologies
- Arezzo Ristorante
- Argali Planet Soccer
- Armatage Neighborhood Association
- Armor Security Inc
- Arne's Floor Sanding
- Arrow Pest Control
- Arrowplane
- Art Cellar
- Art Materials
- Art of Optiks
- Art Reference Library
- Art With a Point
- Arthur H. Knowles Painting
- Arthur Murray Dance Studio
- Artifex Manuum Spa & Gallery
- Artiste Hair Stylists
- Artistic Wood Carving Studio
- ARTrageous Adventures
- Arts Midwest
- Ascent Acupuncture
- Ashkan Morvari State Farm
- Asian Culinary Arts Institutes
- Ask Property Management
- Associated Clinic-Psychology
- Associated Consultants
- Association-Waldorf School (City of the Lakes Waldorf School)
- Astound Video Duplication and Transfer
- At Home and Co.
- AT&T Store
- Athena Care Inc
- Athleta
- Atlas Staffing Inc
- Attic Correctional Services
- Augustana Therapy Services
- Aurora Spa
- Automotion Service Repair Center
- Autopia
- AutoZone
- Avalon Photography
- Avenues of Health
- Avian Suites
- Awad + Koontz
- Awaken Pilates Studio
- Axel Ohman Masonry
- Axis Medical Center
- B & E Pest Control
- B Johnson Photos
- B Sharp
- B Squad Vintage
- B T and A Construction Co
- B-Squad
- b.
- Bac Construction Services
- Bachman's
- Bachman's
- Bad Waitress Coffee Shop
- Baird
- Baja Sol Tortilla Grill
- Baker Management Group
- Baker Sales Co
- Bakken Library & Museum
- Bambino Decor
- Banana Republic
- Banana Republic
- Banarama
- BANGbang Hair Salon and Creative Space
- Bangbang Salon
- Bank of America
- Bar Louie
- Barb Palmer, Lakes Area Realty
- Barbara Smith & Assoc
- Barber's Parlor
- Barbers On Bryant
- Barbette
- Bark Busters
- Barnes & Noble
- Barre Bliss Yoga Studio
- Barry Markus Remodeling, Inc.
- Batalo Home Health Care LLC
- BathCare
- BathCare - Bathtub Refinishing
- Bathtub Solutions
- Battered Women's Justice Project
- Bay Properties
- Bay Street Shoes & Accessories
- Bay Street Shoes & Accessories
- Beadhive
- Beat Coffee House
- Beaujo's Wine Bar & Bistro
- Beaumont's Quality Tools
- Beaux Le Tress Designers
- Beck & Tysver PLLC
- Beds
- Beeman Dental Clinic
- Behavior Science Systems
- BEI Exterior Maintenance
- Bella Beauty Salon & Spa
- Bella Custom Homes
- Bella Galleria
- Bellair Realty Inc
- Belle Weather
- Belleson's Mens
- Belm Foundation
- Ben & Jerry's
- Ben Harris Web Development
- Benadir Home Health Care
- Benjamin & Alem Chiropractic
- Bens ML
- Bentley's Pet Stuff
- Berg Larsen Group
- Bespoke Hair Artisans
- Bessie's Boutique
- Best Food Market
- Best Steak House
- Best Wash Laundry
- Bethany Urban Development
- Bethlehem Community Center
- Bettina Graupner Realty
- Bev’s Uptown Laundry LLC
- Beyer Weaver & Thomas LLP
- Beyond Organic Salon Spa
- Bibelot Shops
- Big Back Yard
- Big Bowl Chinese Express
- Big Watt Cold Beverage Co
- Bikram's Yoga College of India
- Bill Martin Agency
- Bills Imported Foods
- Bio Recovery Inc
- Birch Clothing
- Birch Counseling
- Birchbark Books & Native Arts
- Birchwood Care Home
- Bjornnes & Mulligan Pllp
- BKHealingArts LLC
- BKS Iyengar Yoga Center
- Black Forest Inn
- Blackbird Café
- BlackBlue
- Blackhawk Security Consultants
- Blackstone Acupuncture
- Blaisdell Manor
- Blondeluxe
- Blooma
- Bloomington City Taxi
- Blowdry! Blowdry Bar
- Blower Balancing & Repair
- Blue Apartments
- Blue Cross Animal Hospital
- Bluebird Boutique
- Bluestem Bar
- Bluestem Bar
- Blush Beauty Room
- BMO Harris Bank
- Bob & Sons Roofing
- Bob Larson Tennis
- Bob's Java Hut
- Bobby & Steve's Auto World
- Bobby & Steve's Auto World
- Bobby Bead
- Bockley Gallery
- Bodine Painting
- Body Balance Nutrition
- BodyWisdom Yoga
- Bogarts Doughnut Company
- Boiler Room Coffee
- Boisclair Corp
- Bolder Options
- Bone Adventure Pet Grooming
- Bonitas Extensions and Braids
- Bonneville Electric Incorporated
- Boost Mobile
- Boost Mobile
- Borenstein & Mc Veigh Law Ofc
- Borton Overseas
- Botanica San Judas Tadeo
- Boulevard Commons
- Boundary Waters Skin Care
- Bower Boutique
- BP
- BP
- BP Lyndale
- Braids By Agatha
- Brasa
- Brass Knuckle Tattoo Studio
- Braun Interventional Systems
- Brave New Workshop
- Brave New Workshop Student Union
- Bread and Pickle
- Breadsmith
- Breanna's Gift
- Breatheclean
- Bremer Bank
- Bremer Bank
- Brenda Steve
- Brian Conrad Construction
- Brian Kinney Band
- Brides of France
- Bridge for Runaway Youth
- Bridgewater Bank, Minnesota
- Bright Star Healthcare
- Brito Auto Paint LLC
- Brockton D Hunter PA
- Brockway Guitars
- Broders Cucina Italiana
- Broders' Pasta Bar
- Brother's Landscaping Incorporated
- Brovado Weddings
- Brown & Green
- Brown & Greene Floral
- Brown Roofing
- Brubaker Landscape Designs
- Bruce A Rasmussen & Associates
- Bruegger's Bagel Bakery
- Bruegger's Bagel Bakery
- Bruegger's Bagel Bakery
- Bruley Center
- Bryant Avenue Market
- Bryant Hardware
- Bryant Lake Bowl and Theater
- Bryant Rolstad Consultants
- Bryant-Lake Bowl & Theater
- Bryce Jermain Salon
- Bubbles & Bows LLC
- Budget Blinds
- Buffalo Exchange Clothing
- Bugbee & Associates
- Builders & Remodelers Inc
- Bulldog Restaurant
- Bultman Consulting Inc
- Bumbershute
- Burger Jones
- Burger King
- Burlap & Brass
- Burley's Hair Salon
- Burnet Home Loans
- Burnet Realty
- Burnet Realty
- Burnomatic Mooney & Ridler
- Busy Bella Boutique
- Butter Bakery Cafe
- C & G's Smoking Barbeque
- C C Club
- C Craftsman
- C K Food & Fuel
- CAC Cycle
- Cafe Ceres
- Cafe Ena
- Cafe Maude
- Cafe Maude
- Cafe Wyrd
- Caffetto Coffee House
- Caffrey's Deli & Subs
- Cal Surf
- Calhoun Area Residence Action Group (CARAG)
- Calhoun Beach Automotive (BP)
- Calhoun Beach Club
- Calhoun Beach Framing
- Calhoun Chiropractic Clinic
- Calhoun Dental
- Calhoun Pet Supply
- Calhoun Pet Supply
- Calhoun Square
- Calhoun Terrace Apartments
- Calhoun Vision Ctr
- Cali Nail
- Caliber Collision
- Callahan Framing
- Callahan Framing Co.
- Cam McCambridge with Edina Realty
- Camba Jewelry
- Camelot Photography
- Camp Sandy
- Cantus
- Capistrant & Associates Pa
- Caplow Custom Frame and Restoration
- Capstone Gallery
- Caravelle Restaurant
- Carbone's Pizzeria
- Cardiotext Publishing
- Cardozo Fine Art
- Caribou
- Caribou Coffee
- Caribou Coffee
- Caribou Coffee
- Caribou Coffee
- Caribou Coffee
- Caribou Coffee
- Caribou Coffee
- Caribou Coffee
- Caring for Children
- Caring Path Counseling, LLC
- Carla Callaghan
- Carley Coffee
- Carmen Insurance
- Carol's Lampshade Wagon
- Carolyn Foundation
- Carquest Auto Parts
- Carter Health & Wellness
- Casa de Corazon
- Casa de Corazon
- Casa Marianna
- Casa Xelaju Spanish School
- Casablanca Foods
- Casey's
- Castle Building & Remodeling
- Castle Building & Remodeling
- Castle Master Mechanical
- Castle Roofing & Siding
- Catalyst Consulting Group llc
- Catalyst Consulting Group, LLC
- Catalyst Mental Health
- Cater Source and Event Solutions
- Catering by Dani
- Catersource Magazine
- Cathay Chow Mein
- Cathy Johnston - Theravive Counseling Network
- Cave Vin
- CB2
- CBD Health & Wellness
- Cc Photographic Arts
- Center for Developmental Psychopharmacology
- Center for Independent Artists
- Center for Natural Healing
- Center for Performing Arts
- Center for Performing Arts
- Center for Womans Group Therapy
- Center Point Energy
- Centered Wealth
- Centered Wealth
- Centers Of Light
- Century 21 Luger Realty
- CFO Business Partners
- Chang's Garden Chinese Rstrnt
- Charlene Portnoy
- Charles Schneider CPA
- Charlie Garage Doors
- Charlies Angles LLC
- Chateau Nail & Spa
- Chatterbox Pub Linden Hills
- Chau Chiropractic Clinic
- Cheapo Discs
- Cheapo Records
- Chef Shack
- Chem Free Carpet Cleaning- Lloyd's Fibercare Inc
- Cher's Signs By Design
- Chester-Hoffmann & Associates
- Chesterton Academy
- Chez Bloom
- Chi Rho Camp & Retreat
- Chicago Dentists
- Chickpea's Vegan Grocer
- Chico's
- Child Development Review
- Children's Home Society
- Children's Residential Treatment | Volunteers of America
- Children's Theatre Co
- China Moon
- China Pavllion Inc
- Chinese Express
- Chino Latino
- Chipotle Mexican Grill
- Chipotle Mexican Grill
- Chiro Care- Meshbesher Chiropractic Center
- ChiroCenter
- ChiroMed Clinic
- Chiron: Center for Integral-Relational Studies
- Chris Gould Consulting
- Christo Cleaning service LLC
- Christos Greek Restaurant
- Chuck & Don's Pet Food Outlet
- Chuck Smith Photography
- Church of Latter Day Saints
- Cia's Palette
- Cinco De Mayo Mercado
- Cindy's Barber Shop
- Circle H Barber Shop
- Cities Sports Connection
- Citizen Kanine
- City Church
- City Church
- City Coin Laundry
- City Coin Laundry
- City of Lakes Dental
- CK Food & Fuel
- Clancey's Meats & Fish
- Clancey's Meats & Fish
- Clarabel Vintage
- Clarity Central Inc
- Clarus Consulting LLC
- Classic Catering
- Clausen Service Ctr
- Clean Break Smoker's Treatment
- Clear Day Counseling
- Clear Dwelling
- Clearent
- Clearstone Technologies Inc
- Cliche Minneapolis
- Clown Glass
- Cobalt Electric Inc
- Cocina del Barrio
- Cocina Latina
- Code Plumbing
- Coffee & Tea Limited
- Coffee & Tea, Ltd.
- Coldwell Banker Burnet
- Coldwell Banker Burnet, Joy Glasser
- Coldwell Banker Burnet, Lyndale Office
- Coldwell Banker Burnet-careers
- Coldwell Banker Burnett realty
- Coldwell Banker Realty
- Coldwell Banker The NagelTeam
- Cole Harder, LLP
- Colette & Company, LLC
- College Aid Consulting Svc
- College Recruiter
- Colonial Auto Glass
- Colonial Cleaners
- Colonial Cleaners
- Colonial Stone
- ColorWheel Gallery
- Columbia Sportswear
- ComedySportz
- Comfortech Minnesota
- Comic Book College
- Comic Book College
- Common Roots Cafe
- Common Roots Catering
- Communications Consulting
- Community Child Care Center
- Community Consulting Group
- Community Fitness Today
- Como-Harriet Streetcar Line and Trolley
- Compass Games
- Compleat Wine Cellars
- Complete Oriental Medical Care
- Compmark I Computer Pictures
- Comprehensive Rehabilitation
- Computer Rental Systems
- Conflict Resolution Center
- Connect for Growth
- Consulate General of Finland
- Continuum Center
- Convention Grill & Fountain
- Cooks of Crocus Hill
- Cooperative Learning Institute
- Copilot Dog Outfitters
- Core Health Chiropractic
- Core Psychotherapy
- CorePower Yoga
- Corner Store Vintage
- Corner Table
- Corporate Incentives
- Corset Styling & Boutique
- Cos Bar of Edina
- Cosmo Nails
- Coulter CE & Assoc Inc
- Counseling Of Orono
- Country Ways
- Covered Uptown
- Covers Plus Heavy Duty Sewing
- Cowboy Slim's
- Cprime
- Craffreys Deli & Subs
- Craftsman Radiator Covers
- Craftsmen Home Improvements
- Cramer Electric Co
- Crazy Daisy Design
- Creation Audio
- Creative Kidstuff
- Creative Media Illustration
- Cremation Society of Minnesota
- Crescent Wind
- Cricket - West Lake
- Critical Measures
- Cross Fitness LLC
- Crosstown Builders
- Crown Medical Center
- Cruise Holidays
- CSC Sports
- Cub Foods
- Cub Foods
- Cub Pharmacy
- Cupid's Cronies
- Curran's Restaurant
- Curves
- Custom Fitness- Uptown
- CVS Pharmacy
- CVS Pharmacy
- Cy Winship Upholstery
- Cynthia Crandall
- D C Hair Design
- D O Carlson & Assoc Inc
- D'Amico & Sons
- D'Amico & Sons
- D'Amico Catering at Calhoun Beach Club
- Da Spot Dispensary & Wellness
- Da Vita Uptown Dialysis Ctr
- Daalo Pizza & Grill
- Dahab-Shil Inc
- Dahl Chiropractic Svc
- Dai Loi Oriental Grocery Inc
- Dairy Queen
- Daisy Nails & Tan
- Dally Massage
- Damiano House
- Damron Production Service Corportion
- Dan Craig Inc
- Dan Moriarty Design
- Dan's Nicollet Car Wash
- Dana's Apparel
- Dance With Lois Donnay
- DanceLife Ballroom
- Daniel Brazil Law Office
- Daniel W Voss Law Office
- Darbar India Grill
- Darque Tan
- Darrin Eilertson
- Daryl Hansen Architect
- Davanni's Pizza & Hot Hoagies
- Dave the Pie Guy
- David A Marty DC
- David Drown Assoc
- David J Kelly Architect Inc
- David Kern Photography
- David Lindberg (Financial Planner)
- David Nolan Real Estate
- David P Gordon LTD
- Davita
- Dayworks Inc
- DCA Title
- DCS Investments
- De Roma Jewelry & Gifts
- Dean Gallery
- Debbie Krovitz
- Deborah D White
- Deborah Savran/Heart-Felt Expressions
- Dennis R Johnson Insurance
- Densch Guitars
- Dental Seminars and Sympsia, LLC
- Denysys Corp
- Deputat Board & Lodge
- Design 45 LLC
- Design Office of Kevin Dane O'Callaghan
- Design Share
- Design Studio's
- Designed Energy Savings Inc
- Designs By Dhona
- Designs-Diane M Von Arx
- Desrochers Realty Group
- Detailed Management
- Details Residential Cleaning
- Devanadi School of Yoga & Wellness
- Devanadi Yoga
- Devon Alexander Law Office
- Dialog Studios
- Diamond Cut Lawn Care
- Diamond Lake Ace Hardware
- Diamond Lake Animal Hospital
- Diamond Lake Dental
- Diamond Mills
- Diamonds Direct
- Diane Sharper
- Dick's Sports Barbers
- Diggers Dog Walking
- Digital Brigade
- Digitizing Express Inc
- Digs
- Dillon Engineering
- Direc4u
- Direct Impressions Engraving
- Discovery Toys
- Divas in Motion
- Diverse Communications
- Diversified Property Mgmt
- DM Law Group (Dejvongsa Myers & Assoc LLC)
- Dnd Carpet & Upholstery
- Dodge Business Research
- Dogwood Coffee Bar
- Dollar Tree
- Domain Architecture & Design
- Domestic Abuse Project
- Domino's Pizza
- Domino's Pizza
- Donn's Plastering
- Donut Connection
- Dovetail Renovation Inc
- dpHue
- Dr Kimberly Berkus Chiropractor
- Dr. Myers, MD Allina
- Dragon Wok
- Dreadlocks for Dingoes
- Dressmaker
- Driftwood Char Bar
- Du Lac Communications
- Duckor & Assoc Inc
- Duke's Cars & Towing
- Dulono's Pizza
- Dunlap Realty Inc
- Dunn Bros Coffee
- Dunn Bros Coffee
- Dunn Bros Coffee
- Dunn Bros Coffee
- Dunrite Automotive
- Dynamic Products Inc
- E L King Mfg Co
- Eafx LLC
- Eagle Christian Worship Center International
- Earl's Floor Sanding & Install
- East Harriet Farmstead Neighborhood Associaton
- Eastwind Acupunture
- Eat Street Social
- EBMAS Twin Cities
- ECCO - East Calhoun Community Organization
- Economic Development Services Inc
- Ecopolitan Raw Food Restaurant
- Edelweiss Design
- Edgeman
- Edina 5-0 Dental
- Edina Car Wash
- Edina Cleaners
- Edina Cleaners & Launderers
- Edina Covenant Church
- Edina Creamery
- Edina Dental Care
- Edina Endodontics
- Edina Eye Clinic
- Edina Family Chiropractic
- Edina Grill
- Edina Municipal Liquor Store
- Edina Orthodontic Associates
- Edina Property's
- Edina Realty
- Edina Realty - Sutton
- Edina Realty Inc
- Edina Realty Inc
- Edina Realty Inc
- Edina Realty Mortgage
- Edina Shoe Repair
- Edina Tire & Auto
- Edward Jones
- Edward Jones
- Edward R Bick DDS
- Egg & I Restaurant
- Eggers Construction
- EHFNA - East Harriet Farmstead Neighborhood Association
- El Asador
- El Jefe Cocina + Bar
- El Nuevo Mariachi Restaurant
- El Travieso Taqueria
- Elan Uptown Luxury Apartments
- Elani's Tailoring
- Elaraj & Assoc Atty At Law, P.A
- Electric Fetus
- Elements of Creativity Tattoo
- Elevation Chiropractic & Wellness
- Elite Catering
- Elizabeth Edwards Graphic Desi
- Elizabeth Wittenberg, (Individual Psychotherapy and Consulting)
- Ellen K. Dona, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist
- Ellingson's Interior
- Ellipse On Excelsior LLC
- Ellipse Publishing Co
- Ellwood Automotive
- Elmi Abdi G
- Elmwood Triangle
- Embody Minneapolis
- Embroid Print Now
- Emergency Electrical
- Emily K. Hunsicker Coaching
- Emily S Beauty Salon
- Empo Inc
- Encore Music
- Energyscapes
- Engh Peter Pro Audio Services
- Engine Collaborative
- Englander Dental
- Engler Studio Interior Design
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car
- Enterspace Neaton Design
- Envios Express
- EOS Worldwide - Jeff Wedren
- Eps Settlements Group Inc (Greg Lukens)
- Equation
- Eric Bond Law Office PLLC
- Erik Brown Homes - ReMax Results
- Erskine Interiors
- Essence Of Prodigy
- Estes Law Firm
- Ethiopia Reads
- Ethique Nouveau
- European Wax Center - Calhoun
- Evans Nielsen & Schaefer Pyschologist
- Everett And Charlie
- Evereve - 50th & Fance
- Evergreen Chinese Restaurant
- EveryB1T, Inc.
- Evolution Experience
- Execusearch Solutions
- Executive Transportation
- Executive Transportation
- Executive Transportation
- Extensions Plus Hair & Wigs
- Extrapreneur Inc
- Extreme Competition Controls
- Extreme Noise Records
- Eye Bobs
- Eye of Horus
- eyeIneye Inc
- F45
- Faces Etc of MN, LLC
- Factory Motor Parts
- Fades Of Gray
- Fairview Uptown Clinic
- Faith Health & Wellness Center
- Faiths Lodge
- Falafel House Restaurant
- Falafel King
- Fallout Urban Art Center
- Familia Skateboard Shop
- Family Dollar Store
- Family Dollar Store
- Family Philanthropy Advisors
- Family Philanthropy Advisors
- Family Quality Care Inc
- Famous Dave's
- Faribault Woolen Mill
- Farmers Insurance
- Farmers Insurance - Benjamin Leach
- Farmers Insurance - Ryan Deibele
- Farmers Insurance - Tri Tang
- Farmstead Bike Shop
- Fashion Avenue
- Fast Eddie’s Pizza
- Fast Eddy's Keys Express
- Fast Forward Productions Inc
- Fastframe
- FEDEX Office
- Fella's Salon For Men
- Fellow
- Fertile Ground Natural Care
- Fiant Dental
- Fiant Dental
- Fidelity Bank
- Fidelity Bank
- Fifth Avenue Salon
- Fifth Element
- Fifty Eight Street Services
- Films That Matter
- Fine Management of Mn
- Finer Meats & Eats
- Fire On The Greenway (Uptown Clay)
- Fire Station 17
- Firefly Furniture Restoration
- First Avenue Hardwood Floors
- First Avenue Properties
- First Memorial Waterston
- First Wok
- Fish Bowl Poke
- Five Event Center
- Five Guys Burgers & Fries
- Five Star Home Health Care
- Five Watt Coffee
- Five Watt Coffee
- Fixt Rite Auto Repair & Tire Center
- Fixx Workout Studio
- Fjallraven
- Flanders Brothers Cycle
- Flavor Bee's
- Fleet Feet Minneapolis
- Fleming Landscape
- Fleurissima Design Studio
- Fleurs De Lee
- Flight Attendant Shop LLC
- Flipside Dispensary & Music
- Float Foundation
- Flooring Expo
- Flowers by Ms Bertha
- Floyds 99 Barber Shop
- Flying Foot Forum
- Food Gallery Catering
- For They Skincare & Wellness
- Forefront Dermatology
- Foreign Auto Specialties
- Forteva Solar
- Forty Forth Street Dental
- Foster Real Estate Advisory
- Four Gates Physical and Energetic Culture Kettlebells and Acupuncture
- Four Points Body Gallery
- Fox Den
- Foxy Dogs Grooming Service
- Framestyles
- France 44 Wines & Spirits
- France 44 Wines & Spirits
- Frances N Lesicko
- Francis J. Heller, DC
- Franklin National Bank
- Franklin Restaurant LLC
- Franklin-Nicollet Liquor Store
- Frattallone's Ace Hardware
- Frattallones Ace Hardware
- Fred Reiter & Associates
- Frederic Chopin Society Inc
- Frederick O.Watson Foundation
- Freedom Jazz Festival
- Freelance Design & Bridal
- Freeman Painting
- French Meadow Bakery & Cafe
- Fresenius Kidney Care South Minneapolis
- Fresh Coast Collective
- Fresh Wok
- Fringe
- Fuji Ya
- Full Circle Construction Inc.
- Fuller Park
- Fulton Farmers Market
- Fulton Neighborhood Association
- Fundamental Strength
- Fusion Tile Inc
- G & L Furniture
- G-Werx Training Studio
- Gai Gai Thai Mobile Kitchen
- Gail Manning Architects Inc
- Galactic Pizza
- Gale Mansion
- Galleri M
- Gallery 360
- Gamestop
- Garden Room Counseling
- Gardening Angel Garden Design LLC
- Gather
- Gear Running Store
- Gee Teez & Co Ltd
- Gegen Law Firm
- Gei Systems
- General Sports
- Genuine Home Health
- George & The Dragon Pub
- George E Antrim
- Germain Insurance agency
- Giant Wash Laundry
- Giebink Design
- Gigi's Cafe
- Gill Brothers Funeral Home
- Gille Law PLLC
- Giordano's
- Girard Management Inc
- Glam Doll Dounts
- Glamour Tailor
- Glasses Menagerie
- Glenn's Barber Shop
- Glow Lounge
- Go Go Hair Salon
- Go Home Furnishings
- Gocachi LLC
- Goddess Nails
- Gold & Green Taxi
- Golden Leaf Ltd
- Golden Leopard Martial Arts Center
- Golden Livingcenters
- Golden Valley Products Inc
- Good Egg Communications
- Good Sport Media
- Good Things
- Good Times Pizza
- Goodnight Moon
- Goodwill
- Goorin Bros. Hat Shop
- Gopher Management
- Goss and Walther Law Group
- Gotcha Covered
- Grace and Co.
- Grace Neighborhood Nursery
- Grand Avenue Residence
- Grand Cafe
- Grand Pere Wines
- Grandma's House Children's Center
- Graphic Journey Design
- Gray Panthers of Twin Cities
- Graylight Partners LLC
- Great Clips
- Great Clips
- Great Clips
- Great Harvest
- Great Lakes Mortgage
- Great Neighborhood Homes
- Great Wall Chinese Restaurant
- Great West Brokers Inc
- Greater Goods
- Green Garage
- Green Mill Restaurant
- Green Tara Studio
- Greendog Packing and Shipping
- Greg Jansen Photography
- Grethen House
- Groomsmen
- Groshek Law
- Group Ventures Inc
- Grouse Enterprises
- Grout Doctor
- Groveland Emergency Food Shelf
- Guse Green Grocer
- Guse Hardware
- Guthrie Hardwood Floors
- H & B Gallery
- H A Brown Law Office
- H R Connection
- H Schulte Dental Services
- H&M
- H&R Block
- Haag Company
- Haakenson Hardwood Floors
- Hadroff-Epstein Memorial Chapel
- Hagen's Auto Body
- Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro
- Hair Cuts Unlimited
- Hair District
- Hair Hotel
- Hair Is II
- Hair Lounge Minneapolis
- Hair Police-Minneapolis Inc
- Hair Studio 54
- Haircuts Unlimited
- Hana Professional Home Health Care
- Handypro
- Hansa Corporation
- Hanson Insurance & Financial
- Harks Food Market
- Harriann Upholstery
- Harriet Place - A Gathering Space
- Harry Singh's Caribbean Rstrnt
- Haus Salon
- Hawkins Automotive Inc
- Hawkins Law Office
- Head to Toe
- Headquarters at 50th & France
- Healing Energy Arts
- Health Architect
- Health Recovery Center
- Healthcare Chiropractic Clinic
- Healthcare IP Partners Llc
- Healthsource Chiropractic
- HealthSource of Minneapolis
- Healthy Touch Massage
- Heart of the Customer
- Heart of Tibet & Sky Door
- Heartbreaker
- Heartfelt
- Heartland Realty Investors Inc
- Heath Max Home Heath Services
- Heinrich Schultz
- Heinz Construction Inc
- Hell Bent Fitness
- Hell Bent Fitness
- Hello Pizza
- Helzberg Diamonds
- Hennepin Elementary School
- Hennepin Family Care Medical Center
- Hennepin History Museum
- Hennepin Lake Liquor Store
- Henry Shafer Partners
- Herbalife 24
- Heritage Of Edina
- Herkenhoff Edina
- Herkimer Pub & Brewery
- Hero Plumbing, Heating & Cooling
- Hero Plumbing, Heating & Cooling
- HFG Financial
- Hiawatha College Prep
- Hibachi Buffet
- Hidden Health Chiropractic
- High Moon Chi Gong and Tai Chi
- Highlites From Home
- Highpoint Center-Printmaking
- Highpoint for Print Making
- Hikma Store
- Hill & Company
- Hillside Appraisals, Inc.
- Himle Rapp & Co
- Hirshfield's Paints Uptown
- HNC Properties LLC
- HNW Design
- Hodan Global Money Service
- Hola Arepa
- Holiday Station
- Holiday Stationstores
- Holiday Stationstores
- Holiday Stationstores
- Holistic Kneads
- Hollywood Premiere Searchlight
- Home Leasing & Management Inc
- Home Of Comfort Furniture
- Home Restoration Services
- Homeopathic Health Svc
- Homeworks For Students Inc
- Honeycomb
- Honeyshine
- Hook Fish & Chicken
- Hooyo Childcare Center
- Hope Psychology Practice,LLC
- Horban Korean Barbeque
- Hornig Co Inc
- Horspfal Music Co
- Hospitality Design Resource
- Hospitality Service Corp
- Hot Wok Delivery
- Hothouse Collaborative
- House Dressing Co Inc
- House Lift
- House Lift
- House Of Amore & Fede
- House of Music
- Howe Figurette Lingerie
- Hoyt Properties
- HRS Lawn Care
- HUGE Improv Theater
- Hummingbird Press
- Hums Liquor
- Hunt & Gather
- Hwa Rang Do
- Hwa Rang Do Martial Arts Academy
- HyperFad
- I Heart Kid's Art
- I L Vostro Boutique
- I S Leaders
- Ice Dam Removal Guys
- Ice Elf Inc
- Icehouse MPLS
- Ichigo Tokyo-Crepe
- Ideal Energies
- Ideas That Kick
- Idein
- Iftin Express
- Illustration
- Immigrant Resource Center
- Impact Seminars Unlimited Inc
- Imperial Smoke
- Imported Motor Supply Co
- Impressions of Light
- Improve Life Bodywork
- In Touch
- In Tran Sol
- In Utero Photography
- Incredible Content
- Independent Financial Advisors
- India Palace
- Indoff
- Indoff Inc
- Induldge & Bloom Florist
- Indulge & Bloom and Rosacker Flower and Gifts
- Industrial Steel Fabricators
- Infinite Vapor
- Infoedition
- Infrared Inspections Inc
- Ingrained Wood Studio
- Ink Lab
- Inner City Tennis
- Inner Health Acupuncture
- Inner Health Outer Beauty
- Instant Install, Inc.
- Instant Legal Assistance
- Instep Center for Families
- Institute for Agriculture
- Institute for Welcoming Resources
- Institute-Athletic Medicine
- Integral Psychotherapy and Family Counseling
- Integrated Advertising Network
- Integrated Staffing Solutions
- Integro Inc
- Intermaco Auto Body
- Intermedia Arts
- International Chiro Clinic
- Interpretations
- Intouch Massage
- Intown On Lake Assn
- Intransol
- Intuitive
- Invisible Bee Yoga Studio
- Irene Greene
- Irenes Tax Service
- Irina's Stitch in Time
- IRSI (Information Reporting Service)
- Isle's Bun & Coffee
- Isles Auto Repair
- Isles Dental
- It's About Time
- It's Greek to Me
- Itasca Mortgage
- J Michaels Co
- J Novachis
- J.P. Larson Law Office, LLC
- Ja'Lisa's Gorgeous Extensions
- Jack Harness Construction
- Jackie Anderson Inc
- Jackie Krammer Classical Homeopathy, LLC
- Jackson Hewitt Tax Svc
- Jackson Hewitt Tax Svc
- Jacob & Assoc Inc
- Jai Healing Studio
- Jaide Organic Salon
- Jamba Juice
- James D Phillips Ins Agency Inc
- James N Schloner Attorney
- Jan Lasserud Construction Inc
- Janelle Photo
- Jasmine 26 Restaurant & Bar
- Jasmine Deli
- Java Properties
- Jbw Group Inc
- Jeannie Shaprio Downey
- Jeff Saunders Production Svc
- Jeffrey L Meyer Insurance Inc
- Jen-Jef, LLC
- Jennifer Simonson Photography
- Jensen & Wilcoxon Inc
- Jensen's Car Care
- Jeri Kaplan Jewelry
- Jerry A Burg Law Office
- Jessa Walters
- Jiffy Lube
- Jimmy John's
- Jimmy John's
- Jimmy Wilson Gallery
- JINX Tea
- Jinx Tea
- Jmw Development LLC
- joanna hallstrom designer & illustrator
- Joanne Garlich, MS LPCC
- Joe's Brake Shop
- JoeyClean
- John Bullough
- John Ryan Performance
- John Stiles - Bridge Realty
- Johnson Design + etc
- Johnson Law
- Johnston Law Office
- Jon Charles Salon
- Jon English Hair Spa
- Jonathan O Twomey DDS
- Jones-Harrison Residence
- José James Productions
- Joshua Garcia
- Jovu Salon
- Joy Of Pets
- Joy's Kitchen Chinese Food
- Joyce Uptown Food Shelf
- Joyeria Max
- Joynoelle Boutique and Atelier
- JP Larson Law Office LLC
- Jrj Design
- Juba Travel & Insurance
- Judith Kinghorn Collection
- Judson Preschool
- Julia Bretey Salon
- Julia Moss Designs
- Jump!
- June
- Jungle Theater
- Junnila Company, Inc.
- Juut Salonspa
- JWT Pillsbury LLC
- K & J Auto Repair
- K 9 & Kitty Kutters
- K C Groves Tree Experts
- Kahun Construction
- Kairos Dance Theatre
- Kancoz Systems Engineering
- Karagheusian Oriental Rug Glory
- Karen Gustafson Studios
- Karen Willette (Pyschologist)
- Karl Herman State Farm
- Karmel Halal Market
- Kastle Exteriors
- Kate Daily MA LP
- Kateri Residence
- Kath Gas Plus
- Kath Gas Plus
- Kathleen Fargione
- Kathy Ryan Enterprises LLC
- Katie Fears-Brio Art Photography
- Kattner Associates
- Katz-James Textile Design
- KBA Architects
- KC Haugen Law, LLC
- Kdd Aesthetics
- Keep in Touch Massage Center
- Keljik Oriental Rugs
- Keljik Oriental Rugs
- Keller Williams Realty
- Kelly E Grosklags Pa
- Kelly Norton Programs- Stevens House
- Kenfield and Associates, P.C
- Kennedy Layne Photography
- Kenny Neighborhood
- Kenny Neighborhood Association
- Kenwood Barbers
- Kenwood Pet Clinic
- Kenwood Plumbing
- Khaluna
- Kiku Bistro
- Kiku Enterprises
- Kim's Jewelry
- Kinder Care Learning Center
- Kingfield Community Acupuncture
- KingField Family Dental
- Kingfield Family Dentistry
- Kingfield Farmers Market
- Kingfield Farmers' Market
- Kingfield Neighborhood Association
- Kinhdo Restaurant
- Kinoko Kids
- Kirby J Ogden PHD (Pyschologist)
- Kitchen Space
- Kitchen Window
- Kitty Klinic
- Klein McCarthy Architects
- Klier's Nursery and Garden Center Inc
- Kmart
- Knittig Design
- Knowmad Adventures
- Knox Jewelers
- Knutson Ventilation Inc
- Koch & Garvis
- Kolcinski Design Build
- Kowalski's
- Koyama Photography
- Kozberg Consulting Group
- Krav Maga Minneapolis LLC
- Krungthep Thai Cuisine
- Kumi's House of Children
- Kungfu Noodle
- Kvernstoen, Ronnholm & Assoc
- Kvikstad Mortgage Solutions
- Kwan's Chinese Cuisine
- Kyatchi
- Kyle's Market
- L A Media
- L Earl Bakke Inc
- L J Multiservice LLC
- La Bratique
- LA Fitness
- LA Fitness
- La Leche League
- La Mac Cleaners
- La Progresiva
- LA Skin Care & Spa
- La Societe Du
- LA Vie Photography
- Lacey Creative
- Lacey Ladies
- Lagunas Corp
- Lake Calhoun Professional Building
- Lake Calhoun Sailing School
- Lake Harriet Christian Child Care Center
- Lake Harriet Florist
- Lake Harriet Law
- Lake Harriet Lodge AF & AM
- Lake Harriet Pizza
- Lake Harriet Pizza
- Lake Harriet Plumbing & Heating
- Lake Harriet Spiritual Community
- Lake Harriet United Methodist
- Lake Harriet Veterinary PA
- Lake Wine And Spirits
- Lakes Center for Chiropractic
- Lakes Home Care Health Svc Inc
- Lakes Medical Equipment
- Lakes Sotheby's International Realty
- Lakes Therapeutic Suites
- Lakewood Cemetery
- LaMac Cleaners
- Landecker Heller
- Lander Group
- Landmark Edina Cinema
- Landmark Lagoon Cinema
- Landmark Uptown
- Landscape & Concrete Center
- Landscape Love
- Langsev Law
- Lara Leimbach Photography
- Larue's
- Laura Jane Musser Fund
- Laurel Ulland Inc
- Lauren Management Co
- Laurie Kertis Ltd
- Laurie Kottke Fine Jewelers
- Laurie Savran, Attorney At Law
- Lavien Tax Services
- Law Office of Joshua R. Williams
- Law Offices Of Bruce E Goldstein
- Law Offices of Curtis Walker
- Law Offices of Donald W Teed
- Lawn & Turf Lawn Maintenance
- Le Jeune Steel Company
- Le's Beauty Salon & Permanent
- Leaning Tower of Pizza
- Lee Truer
- Lee's Fashionable Second Clothing & Accessories LLC
- Lee's Shoe & Leather Repair
- LeftFoot Coaching Academy
- Legacy
- Legal Nudge
- Lehrer Chimney & Masonry
- Leir Design Inc
- Lena Nail Spa
- Leonardo's Basement
- Let's Dance
- Levin Park
- Life in Light Chiropractic
- Life Love Healing Counseling
- Life Medical Inc
- LifeForce Chiropractic
- LifeForce Chiropractic
- Lift Creative
- Linden Hills Child Care Center
- Linden Hills Child Care Center
- Linden Hills Co-Op
- Linden Hills Dentistry
- Linden Hills Florist
- Linden Hills Laundry
- Linden Hills Law Office
- Linden Hills Law Office
- Linden Hills Neighborhood Council
- Linden Hills Oriental Medicine
- Linden Hills Power & Light
- Linden Hills Public Library
- Linden Hills Recreation Center
- Linden Hills Yoga and Massage
- Linhoff Photo & Digital
- Little Caesars Pizza
- Little Tijuana Restaurant
- Live Laugh Love
- Livefront
- Living Proof Software
- Living Room Studios / Portraits
- Liz Banfield Photography
- Lloyd Enterprises Inc
- LMR Wine
- Loaves & Fishes Too
- Local Motion Clothing
- Locale Design Build
- Locksmith
- Locus Architecture
- Loft Antiques
- Loft Salon
- Lois Egan (Psychotherapist)
- Lolamax Salon
- Lookout Home Inspection
- Loon Deli
- Loon Express
- Loon State Physical Therapy
- Loop Parking- Mozaic Art Park Ramp
- Loop Parking- Rainbow Lot
- Lopez Concessions & Catering
- Lorenzi Leather
- Loring Nicollet School
- Los Amigos Restaurant
- Los Andes Restaurant
- Los Gallos 7 Inc
- Los Hornos Del Rey
- Lost & Found
- Louie's Food & Deli
- Lovaas Institute Midwest
- Love Token
- Lowriders By Summers
- Lowry Hill Law Office
- Lowry Hill Liquor Store
- Loyear Restoration Services
- LSGE Inc
- Lu's Sandwiches
- Lucia's Restaurant, Wine Bar
- Lucia's To Go
- Lucky Boy Productions
- Lucky Dog Pet Care Inc
- Lucky Jewelry
- Ludeman Real Estate Inc
- Luger Realty
- Lululemon Athletica
- Lumi Beauty Bar
- Lund Food Holdings Inc
- Lund's & Byerls
- Lunds
- Lunds & Byerlys Lake Street
- Lutheran Music Program Inc
- LVA Fitness
- Lyle's Bar & Restaurant
- Lyn Lake Chiropractic
- Lyn-Lake Barbershop
- Lyndale Animal Hospital
- Lyndale BP
- Lyndale BP
- Lyndale Community School
- Lyndale Farmstead Park
- Lyndale Neighborhood Association (LNA)
- Lyndale Neighborhood Market
- Lyndale Tap House
- LynLake Brewery
- Lynnhurst Neighborhood Association
- Lynnhurst Recreation Center
- Lyons Designs
- M & H Intl
- M & M Grocery Store
- M A Management LLC
- M G Car Club
- M G M Wine & Spirits Inc
- M T Johnson & Associates
- M3 Technology Partners
- Ma Lees New Life Daycare & Mi
- MAC Cosmetics
- Mac On Park
- Mac's Fish and Chips
- Machacek Management Company, LLC
- Mackey Malin Architects
- Made
- Made in Media
- Madeline Island Music Camp
- Mag-Pie
- Magers & Quinn Booksellers
- Magic By Bruce
- Magic Wendy
- Magnuson Sod
- Mai Hoa Beauty Salon
- Main Street Project
- Management Farm
- Mankato Web Design
- Maple Lane Realty LLC
- Marathon Sports - Fleet Feet Sports Minneapolis
- Marcus & Millichap
- Margaret M Grathwol Law Office
- Margaret Mitchell
- Margi MacMurdo's Gardening Angel Garden Design LLC
- Marhaba
- Marie Sandvik Ctr-Shelter
- Marissa's Bakery
- Marissa's Supermarket
- Mark Stillman Accordion
- Marlene Delott & Assoc
- Marnita's Table
- Marsden Building & Remodeling
- Marso Michelson & Harrigan PA
- Martha Osterberg
- Martin T Montilino Law Office
- Martinizing Dry Cleaning
- Mary Trondson Insurance
- Mashup Media
- Mason Develops, LLC
- Massage Envy
- Master Civil & Construction
- Master Collision Group
- Mathnasium
- Matonich & Persson, Chartered
- Matrix Medical LLC
- Matt's Tree Svc
- Mauer Enterprises Inc
- Mayflower Early Childhood Center
- Mba Software & Consulting Inc
- Mbj Development Corp
- Mc Caa Webster & Assoc
- Mc Mansion
- Mc Sweeney & Fay
- Mc Teer Systems Inc
- Mcaneney Handyman
- MCC Refugee Services
- McDonald's
- McDonald's
- McGaa Chiropractic
- Meals On Wheels
- Med Grade
- Medas Forbes Law Office
- Media Savant Communications Co
- Medina Realty
- Meeks Appraisal & Consulting
- Meet Minneapolis
- Melanie Metz Massage Therapy
- Melissa Cathcart, L.Ac.
- Men's Center
- Mentor Mate
- Mentor Network
- Mentor Network
- Mercedes Gustafson Attorney at Law
- Mercury Financial Group
- Meridian Mapping
- Mesa Pizza Uptown
- Metamorphosis Realty
- Metro Dental Care-Minneapolis
- Metro Inn Motel
- Metro Law Group PA
- Metro Lutheran
- Metro Taxi & Limo
- Metro Wide Towing
- Metro-Apple Digital Recording
- MetroPCS
- MetroPet Animal Hospital
- Metropolis Design Group
- Metropolitan Boys Choir
- Meyer Violin Shop
- Meyers Design Inc
- MGD Floral Design
- MH Plumbing Inc
- Mi Boleto Travel
- Michael Barnholdt Photography
- Michael Hays Co
- Michael Kaslow Team - Keller Williams Realty
- Michael's Lamp Studio Inc
- Michaelangelo's Master Pizzas
- Midas Car Care
- Midland Heating & Air Conditioning
- Midtown Greenway Coalition
- Midwest Agri-Commodities
- Midwest Art Conservation Ctr
- Midwest Center for Personal
- Midwest Cycle Supply
- Midwest Eap Solutions
- Midwest Karate
- Midwest Makeup Supply
- MidWestOne Bank
- Mighty Marks
- Mike Wallach & Assoc
- Milano Apparel Accessories
- Milavetz Gallop & Milavetz, P.A
- Milio's Sandwiches
- Milio's Sandwiches
- Mill City Marketing
- Mille
- Mille
- Miller Towing Inc
- Millicare Textile and Carpet Care
- MiMi Design
- MindWestOne Bank
- Mindy Benowitz PHD
- Minikahda Club
- Minneapolis & Suburban Bus Co.
- Minneapolis & Suburban Bus Co.
- Minneapolis Accounting
- Minneapolis Casino and Poker Rental
- Minneapolis College of Art and Design
- Minneapolis Counseling
- Minneapolis Institute of Arts
- Minneapolis International Hostel
- Minneapolis Lock & Key
- Minneapolis Lodge 19
- Minneapolis Parks Foundation
- Minneapolis Police Bike Auction
- Minneapolis Tobacco
- Minneservice
- Minnesota African Women's Association (MAWA)
- Minnesota Bank and Trust
- Minnesota Broadcasters Assn
- Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
- Minnesota Coaches Inc
- Minnesota Electrical Associationn
- Minnesota Honey Company
- Minnesota Mental Health Clncs
- Minnesota Public Housing Authority (Horn Towers)
- Minnesota Regrout Specialist
- Minnesota Roof Contractors
- Minnesota Rowing Shells
- Minnesota Society For Criminal
- Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
- Minnesota Tenants Union
- Minnesota United Methodist
- Minou Le-Mew
- Mint Orthodontics
- Mint Orthodontics
- Mint Print
- Minuteman Press
- Mirasol Mobile
- Mitchster Photography
- MJ Hackett Designs
- Mjm Productions
- Mn Neurovascular & Skull Base
- MN Streetcar Museum
- Mn Valley Realty
- Mobile TV Group
- Moe Bodyworks
- Moe Bodyworks
- Mohn Electric Co
- Moksha Yoga
- Molly Bee Enterprises
- Money Counseling
- Mono
- Montessori Child Gdn Sch & Day
- Montessori School Sunshine Inc
- Moonlight Floral
- Moore Creative Talent Inc
- Moore's Bait & Tackle
- Moran Law Office Ltd
- Morning River Corp
- Morningside Family Physicians- Dr Philliph A Sidell
- Morris Leatherman Company
- Morrissey's Irish Pub
- Mortgage One & Finance Corp
- Mortimer's Bar & Restaurant
- Mosquito Inc
- Moss Envy Eco Home & Life
- Moto-I
- Move Fitness Center
- Moving Help
- Moxie Hair Salon & Art Gallery
- Mozza Mia
- Mpsi Psychotherapy Center
- Ms Trena's Happytime Daycare
- Mt Olivet Counseling Svc
- Mt Olivet Day Services
- Mt Olivet Home
- Mt Olivet School Of Music
- Muddy Waters
- Mueller Massage and Pilates
- Mulberry's Garment Care
- Muller & Muller Law Office
- Mulloy Environmental Svc
- Mulroy's Body Shop
- Multi Sprayer Systems Inc
- Multilingual Word Inc
- Mundstock Manufacturing & Design
- Museum of Russian Art
- mXe Movement Studio
- My Huong Kitchen
- My Sister's Closet
- My Small Business Support, LLC
- Myers Martin Consulting
- Myoptic LLC
- Mystic Psychic Reader
- Nail Images
- Nails & Co
- Najah Store Inc
- Najahs Store
- Namaste Cafe
- Nancy Page Crisis Residence - People Inc
- Nani Nalu
- Nanny On the Net
- NAPA Auto Parts
- Napuck Law Offices PA
- Nash Frame Design
- National Federation of the Blind (NFB of Minnesota)
- National Karate Schools
- Natural Health & Fertility Center
- Natural Technologies LLC
- Nature's Wisdom Health Shoppe
- Naviya's Thai
- Needlework Unlimited Inc
- Nelson Enterprises
- Nelson's Repair
- Nepp & Hackert Llc
- Net Supermarket
- Netcomm Services & Systems Inc
- New Central Autobody
- New China Wok
- New Gild Jewelers
- New Medicine Acupuncture
- New Money Express (Check Cashing)
- New Orient
- New Star Limo Svc Inc
- Newland Architecture
- Nexus Point Title
- Nha Sach Saigon
- Nico Alterations
- Nico Plating
- Nico's Taco and Tequila Bar
- Nicollet & 38th Farmers Insurance Agency
- Nicollet Ace Hardware
- Nicollet Ace Hardware
- Nicollet Applaince Center
- Nicollet Auto Services
- Nicollet Book Store
- Nicollet Chiropractic Center
- Nicollet Chiropractic Clinic
- Nicollet Dental
- Nicollet Halal Meat Market
- Nicollet Lake Self Svc Carwash
- Nicollet Shoppes
- Nicollet Video
- Niedorf Photography
- Nighthawks Diner and Bar
- NIP Seniors Program
- Noble Interiors Inc
- Nodonomy
- Nodus, Inc
- Nokomis Chiropractic & Wellness Center
- Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness
- Nokomis Massage & Wellness
- Noodles & Co
- Nook & Cranny Concierce Inc
- Noonan Construction Inc
- Norcom
- Nordic Home Interiors
- Normande Genetics
- Norpol Residence
- Norseland Construction LLC
- North American Banking Company
- North Face
- North Prairie Tile Works
- North Strong
- Northern Brewer
- Northern Lights Art
- Northrup Roofing & Remodeling
- Northwoods Group
- Novak Painting & Decorating 1
- Novation Architectural Prods
- NSE Media
- NTH Communications Inc
- Nu Look Consignment Apparel
- Nu Way I
- Nutrition City
- Nuway House Inc
- Nxc Imaging
- O'Reilly Auto Parts
- Oak Hill Cemetery
- Oakmont LLC
- Oday Taxi Svc
- Odds N Ends
- Office Max
- Offices at 5500
- Ogren & Trigg Clock Svc
- Old Arizona
- Old World Cobbler Shoe Leather
- Oliver Taylor & Co
- On the Spot
- Once Upon A Crime
- One 21
- One Heartland
- One West Catering
- One World Travel Inc
- One Yoga
- OneVoice Communications
- Online Solutions
- Open Book Communications
- Open Door Home Loans (Bell Bank Mortgage)
- Open Minds Fusion Studio
- Opening Night Framing Svc
- Operation Boot Strap Africa
- Ophelia's Salon
- Opportunity Partners
- Opportunity Partners Fremont
- Opportunity Partners Jorgensen
- Orale Mexican Eats
- Orange Filmworks Inc
- Orange Whip
- Orena C Servaty
- Orenstein Physical Therapy
- Orfield Remodeling Inc
- Organic Hair Salon Minneapolis
- Organized in No Time
- Origami Uptown
- Origin Wellness
- Origins Programs
- Origins Programs
- Oscar Auto Body Inc
- Oska
- Osman Cleaners
- Our Kitchen
- Out Reach
- Owl Optical
- Owner Options Realty
- Pacifier - Edina
- Paddlesculpt
- PAF Architecture, LLC
- Paint Your Plate
- Pajunas Interactive In/ Advantage Labs
- Paladin Marketing Group
- Pamela Weiner
- Pamper Me Nails
- Pamper Nails & Spa
- Panaderia El Rey
- Pancho Villa Restaurant
- Pangea World Theater
- Papa John's Pizza
- Paper Rock Scissor
- Paper Rock Scissor
- Paper Source
- Paper Source
- Paperback Exchange
- Paperista
- Paramount Master Collision
- Parasole Restaurant Holdings
- Parc Boutique
- Parent's Autocare
- Park Nicollet Clinic- Eye Specialist
- Park Nicollet Clinic- Rehab Service
- Park Nicollet Medical Center
- Park Terrace Salon
- Parkside Psychology Inc
- Parkway Dental Center
- Parkway Dental Center
- Parkway Lawn Service
- Parkway Properties
- Parsley Law, PLLC
- Partners & Sirny LLP
- Partners in Pediatrics
- Passage Community
- Past Present Future
- Pastelaria El Rey
- Pat's Old House of Antiques
- Pat's Tap
- Pathways
- Patient Readiness Institute
- Patina
- Patina Inc
- Patina, Inc.
- Patisserie 46
- Patricia Layton PHD
- Patrick's Bakery & Cafe
- Patty Plourde
- Patty Wagon
- Paul Gates Architect
- Paul Williams Tire Co
- Paula's Salon
- Paulette Joyer
- Payless Shoe Source
- Peace Is At Hand
- Peace Is At Hand
- Pearle Vision
- Pearson Builders & Remodelers
- Peer Education Health Rsrcs
- Peninsula Malaysian Cuisine
- Penn Avenue Family Dental
- Penn Cycle
- Penn Minnoco
- Penn Minnoco
- Penn Place
- Penn Super USA
- Penzeys Spices Ltd
- People for Parks
- Peoples Transportation Inc
- Pepitos Mexi-Go Deli
- Peralta & Peralta Ltd
- Perennial Cycle
- Perfect Party
- Perfectionist Cleaning
- Perfectly Produce - Weight Loss & Nutrition Services
- Performance Bodywork
- Perspectives Vision Clinic
- Pet Clips
- Pet Doctors Pa
- Pet Haven Inc of Minnesota
- Pet Sitters
- Peter Beck Photography
- Peter Hill Design
- Peter Pan Dry Cleaners
- Peters Billiards
- Petersen Flowers
- Petersen Flowers
- Peterssen Keller Architecture
- Petite Leon
- Petite Salon
- Phalanx Investment Brokerage
- Phantom Chef Catering
- Phase II Remodeling Inc
- Phenom
- Phil Rader Architect
- Phillips Consulting
- Pho 79 Restaurant
- Pho Hoa Restaurant
- Pho Tau Bay
- Photography By Greg Nktgbr
- Photopixels
- Phuoc-Loc-Tho Jewelry
- Physical Therapy Ortho Spclsts
- Picard Building
- Piccolo
- Picket Fence
- Picnic Linden Hills
- Picnic Pleasers
- Pig and Fiddle
- Pimento Jamaican Kitchen
- Pin Doctor
- Pine Mountain Acupuncture-Herb
- Pinecrest Inc
- Pinehurst Properties
- Pinwheels and Play Toys
- Pinwheels and Play Toys
- Piquant Pantry
- Pixie Salon
- Pizza Hut
- Pizza Luce Uptown
- Pizzeria Lola
- Pizzeria Lola
- Planet14
- Planned Parenthood
- Platinum Remodeling & Handyman
- Plexus International
- Point Acupressure
- Point of Balance Pilates and Wellness
- Poirier Law Office
- Polished Nail and Spa
- Polished Nail Boutique
- Polished Nails and Spa
- Pomodoro, Inc.
- Pompadour:A Lifestyle Salon
- Poor Design Group
- Poor Design Group
- Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits
- Portal Interactive Publishing
- Portco Inc
- Portfolio Hair & Photography
- Poseidon's Daughter
- Positively Charmed! Custom Ceremonies & Boutique Decor
- Posters On Board
- Postnet
- Potbelly Sandwich Shop
- Prairie Dogs
- Prairiestone Pharmacy
- prAna Edina
- Precision Auto Upholstery
- Precision Tune Auto Care
- Preferred Speakers
- Premier Mortgage Funding Inc
- Premier Properties-White
- Premiere Psychiatric Medicine
- Present Moment Books & Herbs
- Presents Of Mind
- Press Play Media LLC
- Prestige Cleaning Center
- Prestige Home Inspection
- Pride Institute
- Prima
- Prima
- Prime and Polish
- Prime Education Services
- Priscilla Boston Alterations
- Private Philanthropy Services
- Priyanka Foundation
- Pro-Inspector Inc
- Probanc Commercial Lending
- Productive Design Inc
- Professional Development and Life Coaching
- Professional Movers
- Professional Solutions
- Progress Valley I
- Progressive Real Estate
- Project Success
- Promoting Brilliance
- Promoting Brilliance Inc
- Property Management
- Prospect Refuge Studio LLC
- Prosper Link LLC
- Protect Painters
- ProTect Painters International
- Provident Financial Group
- Pscope Inc
- Psychotherapy & Healing Associates
- Pump 'N Munch
- Pumpkin Homes Llc
- Punch Neapolitan Pizza
- Pure Health Wellness Coaching
- Pure Point Accupuncture
- Putnum Property
- Q Fanatic Artisan BBQ
- Q O Raxey Home Health Care
- Q Salon Inc
- Qoraxey Home Health Care Inc
- Qoraxlow Restaurant
- Quality Coaches Inc
- Quality Coaches Inc
- Quality Paint & Autobody
- Quality Refrigeration Inc
- Quality Woodworks
- Quan's Cafe
- Quang Restaurant
- Quartersawn
- Quartersawn Design Build
- Quartersawn Design Build
- Que Chula Es Puebla
- Queenie & Pearl
- Quinby & Webb
- Quinn and Associates Publishing and Consulting
- R & L Trust
- R F Moeller Jeweler
- R Favorite Fence Co
- R L Mc Peck Goldsmith
- R T Steele Inc
- R W Construction
- R You Home
- Rachel Kieke Law Office
- Radian Group Inc
- Radio Shack
- Radon Systems, Inc
- Rae Harmel and Associates Inc
- Ragamala Music & Dance Theater
- Ragstock
- Rahn & Rahn
- Rain Gutter Cleaning Service Inc
- Rain Taxi
- Rainbo Design
- Rainbow Laundromat
- Rainbow Research
- Rainbow's Chinese Restaurant
- Rainy Lake Puzzles
- Rakhma Peace Home
- Raku Japanese Restaurant
- Ramen Kazama
- Rana Beauty Salon
- Randees Hair Design
- Rare Form Properties
- Rau Barber Photography
- Rau-Barber Photography
- RBC Wealth Management
- Rdo Marketing
- Re Entry House
- RE/ MAX Results
- RE/MAX Results
- Re/Max Results: Tony Johannes
- Real Athletics
- Real Estate Nexus
- Realistic Manes
- Rebecca Biderman MD
- Reboot
- Rebound Media
- Recovery In Action
- Recovery Inc Self-Help Mental
- Recursive Awesome
- Red Cow
- Red Cow
- Red Cricket Acupuncture
- Red Dragon Restaurant
- Red Peony Clinic
- Red Rose Limousine Svc Inc
- Red Stag Supper Club
- Red Stamp Cards LLC
- Red Wagon Pizza
- Red's Savoy Pizza
- Redbox
- Redeemer Health & Rehab
- Regional Kidney Disease Program
- Regla De Oro Gallery
- Rehkamp Larson Architects
- Rehkamp Larson Architects
- Relationship Insights Therapy & Coaching
- Relevante Marketing LLC
- Reliable Tax Svc
- Reliance Development Co LLP
- Relish Minds
- Rem Hennepin Inc
- Remarkable Photography
- ReMax Margo McMahon
- Rendezvous Dance Studio
- Request Realty
- Research Solutions Inc
- Resource Center for Churches
- Restart
- Reurban Real Estate
- Reuter Walton Construction
- Revamp Makeover Salon & Spa
- Revival
- Rgb Productions
- RHC Associates
- RHINO Design & Photography LLC
- Rhode Kil Records
- Rhode Schwan & Co
- Rhyme Sayers
- Rhythmic Movement Training
- Rice Stromgren Architects
- Richfield Lutheran Church
- Richfield United Methodist
- Rik Sferra Photography
- Rinata
- Rincon 38
- Rise Inc-Pathways for Refugees
- Rite Good Llc
- Riverside Alternative Therapies
- RJS Real Estate
- RMF Group
- Roadrunner Record Exchange
- Roam
- Rob Ley Relationship Marketing
- Rocheford Handmade Tile
- Rock
- Rock Bottom Sales Co
- Rock Paper Silver
- Rock Paper Silver & Deirdre Handcrafted Jewelry
- Rocking M Coding & Design Co
- Rockport Capital Recoveries
- Rockwell Financial
- Rogers & Partners
- Rom Designs
- Romer & Co
- Ron Campbell Interiors
- Ron Conrad Construction
- Ron Merchant Fine Art
- Rongo's Auto Repair and Firends
- Root Salons
- Root Salons
- ROR Financial Svc Inc
- Rosalia Pizza
- Rosen Method Center Southwest
- Roseworth Productions
- Ross Frame Shop
- Ross K Menk Law Office
- Roughly Square, LLC
- Rousseau Painted Effects LLC
- Royal Grounds Coffee
- Royal Pet Beauty Shop
- Royal Plumbing
- Rudolphs Bar-B-Que
- Rudy's Painting
- Running Room USA Inc
- Rustica
- Ruyan Co
- RWR Company Inc.
- RWS Inc.
- Rynerson Electric Inc
- Ryo Bojutsu
- S 4 Design
- S&He Beauty Nail
- Sa Bel Salon Spa
- Sabai Body Temple
- Sabri Properties
- Sage Advice
- Sage Education & Therapy
- Sage Education & Therapy
- Sahaba Accounting & Tax Svc
- Saigon Central Post
- Saigon Uptown Restaurant
- Saint Sabrina's Tattoo
- Sally Moore, Psychologist
- Salon 4 Rent
- Salon Concepts
- Salon Intrigue
- Salon LA Terre
- Salon Levante Inc
- Salon Premiere
- Salon Rox
- Salon Sa Bel Inc
- Salon Sparrow
- Saltzman Development
- Salut Bar American
- Salvation Army
- Salvation Army
- Samiya Salon
- Sandra Mangel Interiors
- Sandra R Koch
- Sandy May Photography
- Santa Rita USA
- Saplist.Com
- Sash Salon
- Satorius John A Atty
- Save On Travel Inc
- Saving Tape Media Conversion, LLC
- Scc Scott Engineering Co
- Schaefer Hardwood Floors
- Schafer Equipment Co
- Schatzlein Saddle Shop
- Schifsky Williams Inc
- Schmidtys Barber Retreat
- Schoenecker Law Firm (David Schoenecker)
- Schoolyard Productions
- Schroeder Fire
- Schultz Appraisals
- Schuster Clinic-Endocrinology
- Schwartz Powell Design
- Scoopy Poo
- Scott E Bartell
- Scott Ja-Mama's Barbecue
- Scottish Rite Temple
- Scotty's Landscape
- Scuba Center
- SDK Communications
- SDY Hair Solutions/Jason Deavalon Salon
- Sebastian Joe's
- Sebastian Joe's
- Sebastian Joe's Ice Cream
- Sebastian Joe's Ice Cream Cafe
- Secant, LLC
- SEE Eyewear
- Segreto & Associates Inc
- Selftek
- Selloxx Inc
- Semple Mansion (Grand Palladian Ballroom)
- Sencha Tea Bar
- Senior Support & Care LLC
- Serenity Place
- Service Associates, Inc
- Servicios Latinos De Minnesota
- Settergren Ace Hardware
- Settergren's Linden Hills
- Seven Degrees
- Seven Sundays
- Sew Simple
- Sew What
- SGF Consulting
- Shakit Clinic
- Sharanya Johnson
- Sharp Up Swing
- Shaw Design Assoc Inc
- Sheba Concept & Design
- Sheila Fahey DC
- Sherman & Lindberg
- Sherman Electric Co
- Sherwin-Williams
- SHI Holistic Health Care
- Shockspital
- Shoe Allee
- Shooting Star Studio
- Showroom
- Shuang Hur Barbeque Deli
- Shuang Hur Oriental Market
- Shuttersmack Photography & Design
- Siagon Central Post
- Sifa Care
- Signarama
- Signature Lawns Inc
- Simply Jane Studio
- Simply Splendid
- Simpson Housing Services
- Sincerely Inc
- Ski for Light Inc
- Skin Klinic Of Edina
- Sky Blue Shiatsu
- Skynote Consulting
- Slope Meter
- Smile Network International
- Smiles at France
- Smitten Kitten
- Snap Fitness
- Snap Fitness
- Snap Fitness
- Snap Fitness
- Sociale Inc
- Soho Cafe Inc
- Sol Taqueria
- Sola Salons
- Solasta Spa
- Solution Advisors LLC
- Somali Community Svc
- Somali Health Project
- Somali Mai Community
- Somi Tile Works
- Sonny's Ice Cream
- Sonny's Ice Cream & Cafe
- Sons of Norway
- Soo Line Gardens
- Soo Visual Arts Ctr
- Sophrona Solutions
- SOS Home Care
- SotaRol Asian Kitchen
- Soule & Stull LLC
- Sound Hound Canine Massage
- Sound Internet
- Soundwoven Goods
- Source Ministries
- South Lyndale Liquors
- South Minneapolis Self-Storage
- Southside Care Center
- Southwest Business Association
- Southwest Family Svc
- Southwest Firestone
- Southwest Journal
- Southwest Journal
- Southwest Montessori School
- Southwest Tire & Auto
- Sox Appeal (LMN Industries)
- Spa Go
- Spa Nails
- Space Unlimited
- Spalon Montage
- Spanky Design
- Spanos Vas Blackjack Experts
- Spark Theater
- Sparrow Cafe
- Special Guest Consulting
- Specs Optical
- Spectacle Shoppe, Inc
- Spectrum Staffing Svc
- Spectrum Travel
- Speedway
- Spice Your Life
- Spiegler Insurance Svc
- Spinal Health Institute
- Spinnex LLC
- Spizzi Mosaics
- Sport Clips
- Sport Clips Haircuts of South Minneapolis
- Sport Clips Haircuts of South Minneapolis
- Sport Resource Group Inc
- Sports Star Photography
- Sportsdigita
- Spot Run
- Spot Spa Boutique
- Spring Salon
- Sprint
- Sprongs
- Spruce Flowers & Home
- Spun Yarns
- Sputnik Ecigs
- Spyhouse Coffee
- Spyhouse Coffee
- St Genevieve
- St John's Child Care & Nursery
- St Lukes
- St Paul Bagelry
- St Sabrina's
- St Stephen's Human Service Inc
- St Stephen's Shelter
- Stacey Johnson Jewelry Design
- Stage By Design
- Stanley Wai Graphic Design
- Star Auto Sales
- Star Thrower Distribution Corp
- Starbucks
- Starbucks
- Starbucks
- Starbucks
- Starrs Hair Design
- State Farm
- State Farm
- State Farm
- State Farm Insurance
- State Farm Insurance
- State Farm Insurance
- State Farm Insurance (Garret Larson)
- State Farm Insurance (Mary M Trondson)
- State Farm: Ashkan Morvari
- Stauffer Productions
- Steele Fitness Inc
- Steeple People's Surplus Store
- Stefan Helgeson Associates LLC
- Steinhagen & Crist
- Stella's Fish Cafe
- Stellar Marketing
- Stemple & Stemple
- Stephanie Jenkins Licensed
- Stephanie M Parham
- Stephen Dean's Tailors
- Sterling Stone and Tile Inc
- Steve Halvorsen Sewer Services
- Steve's Tire & Auto
- Steven Scott Management
- Steven Vonseg Realty
- Stevens Square Community Org
- Sticks and Stones Designs, Inc.
- Stiletto Shoes
- Stinson Builders Inc
- Stone Arch Law Office PLLC
- Stonewood Landscape
- Storchak Cleaners Laundry
- Strauman Holistic Chiropractic
- Street Factory Media
- Strength Inc
- Stringworks
- Stroker Ace Custom Screenprint
- Strong Towns
- Studio 2
- Studio Delphianblue, LLC
- Studio Dog Star
- Studio TimeOut
- Stutsman Realty Inc
- Style Laboratory
- Subway
- Successful Results Coaching
- Sudden Comfort LLC
- Sudz & More Inc
- Sue Johnston Licsw
- Sugar Sugar Candy
- Sun Home Health Care Inc
- Sun Street Breads
- Sundus Beauty & Jewelry
- Sunny's Discount Beauty Supply
- Sunnyside Dentistry
- Sunnyside Gardens Inc
- Sunrise Childcare Center
- Sunrise Cyclery LLC
- Sunset Tan
- Sunshine Kids Daycare
- Sunshine Montessori
- Sunshine Taxi
- Sunsource Architects
- SUNU Linden Hills, PLLC
- Sunwerks Tanning Salons
- Super America
- Super America
- Super America
- Super America
- Super America
- Super Electric
- Super USA
- SuperAmerica
- Superb Cookware
- Superior Sealcoat Services Inc
- Superprotection Inc
- Supportive Living Svc
- Supreme Images Photography
- Sur La Table
- Surad Interpreting & Translation
- Survey Value Inc
- Susan Bye College Advising
- Sushi Tango
- Swedish Translation Services
- Sweeney Todd's Hair Salon
- Sweepee Cleaning
- Sweet Retreat Cupcake Boutique
- swURLed
- Sylvain
- Synico Staffing Inc
- System Elite Salon
- Szechuan Spice
- T C Home Builders
- T J Thoraldson Photography Inc
- T Square Repair & Remodeling
- T Style
- T-Cell Phones
- T-Mobile
- Tai Chi Chuan Great River
- Tai Chi Ctr
- Tailgate Sport Cafe
- Taking Root Massage Therapy
- Talbots
- Tamar Fink
- Tami Tripp Photography
- Tanek
- Tangerine Construction
- Tangletown Bike Shop
- Tangletown CrossFit
- Tangletown Dental
- Tangletown Gardens
- Tangletown Neighborhood Association
- Tangletown Neighborhood Association
- Tank Goodness
- Tap Society
- Tap Society - Coming Soon!
- taraNa Yoga
- Target Mortgage
- Tasks Unlimited
- Tasks Unlimited
- Tatu's By Kore
- Tawakal Halal Grocery
- Tawkal Pinless
- Tax Preparation
- Taxi Cabs Inc
- Taylor Law Firm
- Taylor Publishing Co
- TCF Bank
- TCF Bank
- TCF Bank
- TCI Group Inc
- TCM Health Center
- Tea2 Architects
- Tech Outfit LLC
- Tech Sales Co
- Technology Resource Group
- TemperaturePro SW Minneapolis
- Tenant
- Tenzin Handbags & Gifts
- Terri Gold Designs
- Terzo Vino Bar
- The Aliveness Project
- The Aliveness Project
- The Alternative Bike & Board Shop
- The Barre Edina
- The Beauty Lounge
- The Book Club
- The Boulevard
- The Brass Mass
- The Brothers Cafe
- The Brow Studio
- The Chair a salon
- The Chestnut Tree, Inc.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- The City Market
- The Clean Campaign
- The Corner Balloon Shoppe
- The Cornerstone Group
- The Fitting Room
- The Foundry Home Goods
- The Foundry Home Goods
- The Fremont Restaurant & Bar
- The Golf Club Hospital
- The Gratitude Group
- The Green Machine
- The Hair Hotel
- The Hair Hotel
- The Hair-e-tic
- The Harriet Brasserie
- The Harriet Brasserie
- The Lift Garage
- The Loft Salon
- The Lowbrow
- The Lowry
- The Lyndale Tap House
- The Malt Shop
- The Minnesota Honey Company
- The OM Collective
- The Origins Program
- The Origins Program
- The Patty Wagon
- The Plourde Team - Keller Williams Realty Integrity Lakes
- The Record Spot
- The Roastery
- The Salt Cave
- The Shed
- The St Paul Bagelry
- The Studio by M
- The T-Shirt Shop
- The UN Bank
- The Un Bank Company
- The UPS Store
- The Uptown Veterinarian
- The Urban Dog
- The Wanderlust Tattoo
- The Warming House
- The Wasie Foundation
- The Waters on 50th
- The Wayside House
- The Wedge Table
- The Whittier Alliance
- Theatre Uptown
- Thebe Street
- Theis Brothers Tire Co
- Theodore Politis Properties
- Therapist Unlimited
- Theravive Counseling
- Theresa A Crisler Attorney At Law
- Thinsoft Corporate
- Third Avenue Foods
- Third Church Reading Room
- Third Wave Partnership, LLC
- Thirtyseven Street Garage
- This Is Folly
- Thomas A Hackert Law Firm
- Thomas Charles Salon
- Thomas K Kilton Insurance Inc
- Thompson & Associates Insurance Services
- Thompson Homes Inc
- Thomson Printing
- Three Fish Design
- Thrivent
- Thrivent Financial
- Thurston Jewelers
- Tibet Kitchen
- Tibet Store
- Ticket to Ride
- Tiger Eye Construction Arts
- Tigerox Painting
- Tilia
- Tilopa Tai Chi Qigong Center
- Tim Naylor Inc
- Tim Rummelhoff Photography
- Tim Theisen Attorney at Law
- Timberland
- Tin Fish Restaurant
- Tinderbox Music
- Tinto Kitchen
- Tiny Acorn Portraits
- Tires Plus
- Tisdel's Garage Service
- Title Boxing Club
- Title Nine
- TMJ Wood Products
- Tobacco & Mas
- Tolch Properties
- Tom Meckey & Co | Compass
- Tom Sadowski Photography
- Tom's Mobile RV Services
- Tommy T Cyclery
- Tonka Cleaners
- Tono Pizzeria + Cheesesteaks
- Top Notch Fence
- Top Shelf
- Topper's Pizza
- Topper's Pizza
- Topside Inc
- Total Balance Fitness
- Touchstone Center
- Touchstone Mental Health
- Tower Games
- Tower Games
- Traditional Foods of MN Warehouse
- Train With Jane
- Tram Hair Styling
- Transactional Finance Fund
- Transportes Zuleta
- Travel About
- Travel Leaders
- Treehouse Records Inc
- Tri-Beca Salon
- Tribeca Limited
- Triple A Girls
- Triple A Worldwide Translation
- Trolley Car Press
- TRU Pizza Truck
- Truce
- True Source Recruiting
- TrueNorth Forensic Pathology
- Truline
- Truong Thanh Grocery Store
- Trust Church Group
- Trust Handy Works
- Trustone Financial
- Trustworthy Glass
- Tsuga Properties
- Tubman Family Alliance Crisis
- Tuesday Morning
- Tula Spa
- Tula Spa
- Tum Rup Thai
- Turn Style Consignment Stores
- Turner & Kauper Child Care
- Turtle Bread Linden Hill
- Turtlecub Productions
- Twilight Zone Outdoor Cinema Services
- Twin Cities Electric, Inc.
- Twin Cities Home Evaluations
- Twin Cities Medical Clinic
- Twin Cities Men's Center
- Twin Cities Orthodontic Associates
- Twin Cities PC MD
- Twin Cities PC MD, LLC
- Twin Cities Real Estate Services
- Twin City Bridge Center
- Twin City Concierge
- Twin City Pet Resources
- Twin City Roofing
- Twin City Tattoo
- Twin City Tattoo
- Twin Six
- Twin Town Fitness
- Twin Town Guitars
- Twist Hair Studio
- Twisted Hare Salon
- Twisted Hare Salon and Spa
- Two Betty's Green Cleaning
- Two Spruce Design
- Two Wheels Bike Shop
- U Bodywork
- U S Carrier
- U S Recruiters Llc
- U+B Architecture & Design
- U-Haul
- Uber Greenlight Minneapolis
- UBS Financial Services Inc
- Uffda Cannabis Co.
- UHH Massage- Ban Sabai
- UMA Home Care System
- Uncommon Grounds
- Unicap Global Technologies
- Unique Specialty Bags
- Uniquely Yours Custom Jewelry
- United Media Inc
- United One Home Health Care
- United Standards Mechanical
- Unity Business Networks
- Unity Health Care
- Universal Care Clinics LLC
- Universe Games
- Uno Branding
- Unwind Within
- Up Yoga
- Upholstery On 42nd Street
- Uppercuts Round 2 Barbershop
- UPS Store
- UPS Store
- Uptown Association Inc
- Uptown Cleaners
- Uptown Dental
- Uptown Dermatology & Skin Spa
- Uptown Diner
- Uptown Eyeswear
- Uptown Family & Cosmetic
- Uptown Grocery
- Uptown Healing Clinic
- Uptown Imports
- Uptown Market
- Uptown Natural Care Center
- Uptown Pawn
- Uptown Phone Repairs
- Uptown Pizza
- Uptown Realty
- Uptown Smile
- Uptown Software Inc
- Uptown Tattoo
- Uptown Theater
- Uptown Valet LLC
- Uptown Veterinarian
- Uptown Vision Clinic
- Uptown's HERO Community Meeting Space
- Urban Bean
- Urban Communities Minneapolis- Central Care
- Urban Cycle
- Urban Enterprises
- Urban Hair Co
- Urban Hound Playground
- Urban Outfitters
- Urban Works Inc
- Urbanwood Real Estate
- US Army Recruiting
- US Bank
- US Bank
- US Post Office
- US Post Office
- US Slivovitz!
- Used Tires Rivera
- Vail Place
- Valerie's Taqueria
- Valeries Carniceria
- Valu Stay Inn
- Valvoline Instant Oil Change
- Valvoline Instant Oil Change
- Van Dusen Mansion & Event Ctr
- Van Guilders Goldsmith
- Van House & Associates Pa Atty
- Van's Service Auto Repair
- Variety Beauty Supply
- Vector Data Systems Inc
- Velvetpeel Inc
- Venus Unveiled
- Verizon Wireless
- Verizon Wireless
- Vertex Software Solutions
- Vertical Endeavors Rock Clmbng
- Vescio's Italian Restaurant
- Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialty Practice
- Via's Vintage Wear
- Vibeke Antiques
- Vicinity Coffee
- Vicinity Coffee
- Vicki Nolan Design Inc
- Victor's 1959 Cafe
- Victoria's Secret
- Victory Antique & Gifts
- Video My Story
- VIE (Vistas In Education)
- Vierkant Disposal Llc
- Vinaigrette
- Vineland Group
- Vintage U
- Viro Blower Balancing & Repair
- Virtual Robotics
- Vision Loss Resources
- Vision World
- Visionary
- Vital Vinyl
- Vital WorkLife
- Vitamin Shoppe
- Vizecky Df Contractor
- Vizi Spa & Salon
- Vo Family Barber Shop
- Vo's Vietnamese Restaurant
- Vocal Essence
- Voila! Media Group
- Volunteers of America
- W & R Consulting
- W B Skip Chapin Jr Ltd
- W Industry
- Wagging Tails MN
- Wagners Garden Center Minneapolis
- Wakame Sushi & Asian Bistro
- Walgreens
- Walgreens Pharmacies
- Walgreens Pharmacies
- Walgreens Pharmacies
- Walgreens Pharmacies
- Walgreens Pharmacies
- Walker & Walker Law Offices, PLLC
- Walker Law Offices
- Walker Methodist
- Walker Methodist
- Walker Methodist
- Walker Public Library
- Wallin Education Partners
- Wamser Associates
- Warners' Stellian
- Warners' Stellian
- Warners' Stellian Appliance Outlet
- Wash Me Car
- Washburn High School
- Washburn Public Library
- Washburn-McReavy Cremation Services
- Wasteland Museum
- Water Monitor
- Water's Edge Psychotherapy, LLC
- Watercourse Counseling
- Watercourse Counseling Center
- Waterford Painting
- Watershed Partners
- Wave Salon
- Wax It
- Wax Kitten Studios
- Wayne Wood and Associates
- Wayne Wood and Associates
- Web Design 15B
- Websailer Web Design
- Wedge Community Co-Op
- Weiland Group
- Weinstein Gallery
- Weisman Enterprises Inc
- Welander-Quist-Davies Chapel
- Welch Forsman Assoc Inc
- Welcome Home Futon
- WellCova LLC
- Wellers Disposal Svc
- Wellness Minneapolis
- Wellness Minneapolis
- Wellness Minneapolis
- Wells Fargo Advisors
- Wells Fargo Bank
- Wells Fargo Bank
- Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
- Wellshare International
- Wendy Barlow Hairstylings
- Wendy's
- West 44th Street Graphics
- West Lake Dental Ctr
- Western Log and Lumber
- Western Wrestling Association & Pro
- Westgate Pet Clinic
- Westlake Manufacturers' Rep
- Westwind Educational, Inc.
- what!worx DESIGN
- Wheel Fun Rentals
- Wheel Fun Rentals
- White Castle
- White Space Architecture
- Whitebox Advisors LLC
- Whitney Book & Print Store
- Whitney Wealth Group
- Whittier Alliance
- Whittier Clinic
- Whittier Park
- Whole Foods Market
- Whole Sum Kitchen
- Wholesale Pet Cremation Urns
- Wielinski Financial Inc
- Wild Mind Artisan Ales
- Wild Mind Artisan Ales
- Wild Rumpus Bookstore
- William Bartruff & Co Inc
- William J Milota
- William Richard Associates
- William's Uptown Pub & Peanut
- Winchester Gallery
- Windborne Music
- Windom Community Council (WCC)
- Wine Foundation Inc
- Wings & Seafood To Go
- Wingspan Life Resources
- Wingspan Life Resources
- Winter Family Chiropractic
- Wintrust Mortgage
- Wisdom Horse Coaching
- Wise Acre Eatery
- Wood and Stone Designs
- Woodhaven Apts
- Woody's Pet Food Deli
- Woodys Pet Food Deli
- Wooly Red Rug
- Working Conversations, LLC
- Working Intentionally
- World Martial Arts Ctr
- World Street Kitchen
- World Vision
- World Web Ventures
- Wow Bar
- Wowza
- Woychick Design
- Wright Line
- Write Away
- Writing the Whirlwind Llc
- Wuensch Automotive Services Inc
- Wuhang Massage LLC
- Wuollet Bakery
- Wyatt & Jaffe
- Xcentric Goods
- Xerxes Manor
- Xerxes Property LLP
- Xin Wong
- Xt4 Inc
- Yellowbrick Investments
- Yoga Santosha
- YogaFit Linden Hills
- YogaLift
- Yogurt Lab
- Yogurt Lab
- Young Man
- Your Fairy Godmother
- Your Lucky Day
- Youth Farm
- Youth Farm & Market Project
- Youth Venture
- Yusra Jewelry
- YWCA Of Minneapolis
- Zahner Construction
- Zander Autowerks
- Zel Skin & Laser Specialists
- Zen Montessori
- Zero - ish
- Zetah Design
- Zeus Jones
- Zinnia Folk Arts
- Zoom House
- Zosel & Co
- ZRS Fossils & Gifts
- Zumba Fitness Classes
- Zumbro Café